Monthly Archives: April 2020

How Air Vent Cleaning Can Ensure Better Indoor Air Quality in Delray Beach and Juno Beach FL

It is hard to find any house nowadays that does not come with a high-quality, new age dryer. It is one of the most handy equipment that has made drying clothes easier in any household. That this much used piece of equipment can become the source of a fire hazard is not known to many homeowners. That is why they keep on simply using it month after month without thinking to clean it even once. According to experts, cleaning the lint trap in the dryer is a good practice, but that might not be enough to stall the danger. A devastating fire can still break out if a professional air vent cleaning in Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale is not opted for. It is a professional dyer vent cleaner who can help replace any plastic or vinyl transition ducts between the dryer and the primary vent with a semi-rigid metal transition duct. This will ensure more safety, as vinyl and plastic ducts are more prone to catch fire. Also, they will ensure that the opening of the dryer vent outside is free of any bush, vegetation or debris that often accumulates over time. If the dryer vent system is unable to exhaust properly, then it can get heated up, and that can result in a fire hazard.


Most of the time, homeowners are not aware that the dryer vent is gradually becoming a potential threat. They are not aware of the right time to call in a professional for help. There are, however, certain signs from the dryer vent that needs to be paid heed to. Those signs are all warning signs from the dryer vent that needs to be paid heed to. This includes:


  • Clothes don’t dry completely
  • It takes a lot more time to dry the clothes
  • There is a musty odor from the clothes
  • The clothes are unusually hot to the touch when the drying cycle is over
  • The maintenance has been more than a year
  • Presence of debris within and outside the dryer vent
  • The dryer takes a longer time to dry clothes
  • Too much lint accumulation in the lint trap
  • Presence of lint and debris around the lint filter for the dryer


Apart from the maintenance, there are certain things that the homeowners can also do to curb down the formation of too much lint in the dryer. Following are some basic things to do:


  • Operate the dryers for an interval of only half an hour or a little more for one batch of laundry. This helps in more air circulation and less lint build up.


  • While drying clothing, do not use too much of dryer sheets or use liquid fabric softener in the machine. Residue from the dryer sheets can clog the lint filters and fabric softeners deposit chemicals and oils on the fabrics that can turn flammable.


  • The outside ventilation opening should be covered with a ventilation cap. The caps allow the debris to exit, but prevents birds from entering and creating nest.


  • The inside of the dryer and around the lint trap should be cleaned properly for removing all debris and excessive lint.


Keeping the dryer vents cleaned and without any blockage is crucial to maintain proper indoor air quality. It cannot be denied that a thorough and professional vent cleaning job can upheld air quality control in Delray Beach and Juno Beach FL. At least once a year, a professional cleaning should take place for keeping the dryer in good condition.

Duct Cleaning Services in Palm Beach, Miami Beach, Parkland, and all the Surrounding Areas

You may not realize this, but every electronic gadget or machine you may be using in your house requires maintenance and servicing. Unfortunately, most people choose to turn a blind eye toward the maintenance of ducts, and especially the periodic cleanups of the vent line. Duct cleaning services comes with a lot of benefits. Not only can […]

Dryer Duct Cleaning in Miami Beach, Pompano Beach, Delray Beach, and all the Surrounding Areas

Every machine in your home requires regular upkeep in order to maintain its performance ability and lifespan. When you invest on a machine, such as dryers, you would, without a doubt, expect it to last for a considerable amount of time. However, what people don’t realize is that with continuous use, dryers tend to absorb […]